Wonderful. I’m calling the GOP representative for our area and reading it to her voicemail

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Thank you Kimberly! Everyone should do that. This is what democracy looks like!

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Beautiful! Keep fighting! We’ll keep calling! We are the majority! 🇺🇸

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This is amazing! You should send this to Alt National Parks FB and ask them to post and share it as well and any other groups. This needs wide distribution!

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Thank you please share far and wide

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Your poem inspired me this morning to keep up the good fight and resist because in the end we will win! Gracias dear Public Servant! 💙🕊️🇺🇸🌹

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Calling McCormick and reading this over and over again. Pennsylvania here

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Great idea!!! I'm gonna do the same and suggest to my sibs!

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Beautifully said. BRAVO!

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This is a truly inspiring poem. Post everwhere.

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Thank you! Please help me share far and wide.

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Very moving! Thank you for sharing.🤍

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Love it‼️

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Such an inspiring and thoughtful poem. Poetic and hopeful. Would love to share this.

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In fact, it would be a wonderful line up at a protest - each paragraph or stance (?) is one sign - 10 signs at the lead of the protest. Thank you

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Fantastic poem

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That is what every child in America should be reciting every day.

I am not a fan of our Pledge of Allegiance, because it doesn’t make sense to me to swear fealty to a symbol.

“I pledge allegiance to this land,

The United States of America,

And to the Republic for which we stand, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Well…I like it.

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Just a great Poem from start to finish...perhaps America can find an Anthem in this!

I'm also hopeful that our Song Writers and Musicians step up to the plate and start producing Pro Democracy Albums and re-kindle Woodstock Type Festivals in the Spring and Summer...

The one song that strikes home with me is 'Revolution' [Beatles 1968] the original on YouTube...it's rather Brilliant...but as Paul McCartney said more recently he wouldn't have condemned Chairman Mao...as he considers him more a Socialist than anything else. There are worse people on the Planet...namely Putin...but perhaps now people like Drumpf and Musk...are climbing to that unhealthy perch.

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From Wikipedia:

“Mao is considered one of the most significant figures of the 20th century. His policies were responsible for a vast number of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims of starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions, and his regime has been described as totalitarian.”

I just can’t agree with Sir Paul on this one.

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Yes…you are correct on these points…but Mao’s initial idea was one of benefit to his people…but he failed quite miserably in the end.

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How quickly good intent can go horribly wrong. Once one gets power over others, it seems that most humans crave more and eventually become the thing they originally despised.

I think it is appropriate to remember that George Washington could’ve been a king, but he held to his moral compass, and rejected that dubious honor.

Too bad there aren’t more true heroes like him. The few we have are just not enough, or in the best place to effect real change. History makes the hero, but the hero must be prepared.

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They are already there in all their corrupt glory.

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Thanks so much! Reading from your HCR comment.

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